Assess The Maturity Of Your Digital Employee Experience
The sudden shift to distributed workforces in 2020 thrust digital employee experience (DEX) into the spotlight. With 8 in 10 organizations planning to continue some form of hybrid working two years from today, that spotlight will only intensify.
But only 34% of IT decision-makers say they will be able to support all hybrid work needs in the next two years with their current capabilities, and 1 in 5 say they need to improve in order to meet today’s hybrid workforce needs. Are you prepared for the future of work?
This 15-question assessment analyzes your organizations’ current DEX practices across four key disciplines:
Completing the assessment will yield customized results and recommendations on your current DEX maturity, demonstrating what you can do to improve based on your responses. The assessment should take no more than 5 minutes to complete.
Which of the following statements best describes how your organization collects telemetry data across devices, apps, and user identities? (Select one.)
Which of the following statements best describes how your organization collects qualitative employee sentiment data? (Select one.)
Which of the following statements best describes how your organization tracks digital employee experience scores? (Select one.)
Which of the following statements best describes how your organization links experience monitoring to business outcomes? (Select one.)
Monitoring results
Remediation and automation
Which of the following statements best describes your organization’s strategy for root-cause analysis for IT incidents? (Select one.)
Which of the following statements best describes your organization’s remote access capabilities? (Select one.)
Which of the following statements best describes your organization’s ticket deflection and reduction capabilities using self-service? (Select one.)
Which of the following statements best describes your organization’s self-service provisioning capabilities? (Select one.)
Remediation and automation results
Security and compliance
Which of the following statements best describes your organization’s remote access policies for devices? (Select one.)
Which of the following statements best describes your organization’s endpoint health? (Select one.)
Which of the following statements best describes how your organization conducts compliance checks on devices? (Select one.)
Which of the following statements best describes how your organization conducts anomalous process behavior analysis? (Select one.)
Security and compliance results
Operating model and integration
Which of the following statements best describes your organization’s digital employee experience management metrics? (Select one.)
Which of the following statements best describes how your organization staffs for digital employee experience management? (Select one.)
Which of the following statements best describes how your organization integrates digital employee experience management with unified endpoint management (UEM), service desk, and other similar functions? (Select one.)
Operating model and integration results
Our study shows that more mature digital employee experience (DEX) organizations:
- See improved employee engagement, satisfaction, and retention metrics.
- Find IT efficiency benefits, like reduced service ticket volume and increased self-service rates.
- Translate their benefits to the business, improving innovation and collaboration.
- Report better endpoint security.
- Are better prepared to support hybrid workers.
Results Overview

Your maturity result: basic intermediate advanced
In 2021 and beyond technology services will prove paramount to organizations’ success. The extent to which IT teams can improve experience and employee engagement, increase operational agility and automation, and reduce their exposure to business-damaging cyberthreats will determine the winners and losers in the future of work. Your organization is currently basicintermediateadvanced.
This score translates to your digital employee experience (DEX) being at the basic stage. When examining how basic organizations in our study compare to their more mature peers, Forrester recommends that beginners take the following steps to jump-start their employee tech management practices:
- Make your endpoint environment manageable and ready for patching (at least 85%). This will enable you to have full visibility over your environment and ensure that you can provide an excellent DEX to every employee, not just those on managed devices. A good first step here is to start a campaign with instructions for employees to enroll any devices they use for work in your unified endpoint management platform.
- Collect quantitative feedback on at least two technology channels. We recommend that organizations start understanding the basics of device performance first, such as boot-up time, CPU usage, memory, battery life, etc. You may also want to look at certain remote work configurations, such as VPN settings.
- Deliver an on-device pulse survey to collect qualitative feedback. Go beyond the email-based surveys and see higher response rates with push notifications. A good first step for these notifications is to couple them with a major technology change, such as an OS update, a new collaboration tool rollout, or a new remote access capability.
- Swap out the existing on-premises VPN for a cloud-based Zero Trust network access (ZTNA) tool. These tools offer better performance and security and are generally available as off-the-shelf software-as-a-service (SaaS) apps.
- Hire someone to be responsible for DEX improvement or promote from within. Your DEX will never improve if someone doesn’t own it. Talk to your immediate team. Is anyone interested in a new role? If not, start putting together a job description.
- Experiment with some form of self-service automation. Identify three to five commonly repeatable tasks that L1 service-desk employees conduct. Ask yourself: How would we automate these tasks? A good first step might be password reset or self-service software provisioning.
This score translates to your digital employee experience (DEX) being at the intermediate stage. Forrester recommends that intermediate organizations take the following steps to catch up to and join the ranks of their advanced competitors:
- Get at least 95% of your endpoint environment manageable and ready for patching. You’re likely already getting as many employees as possible to opt into your environment — now it’s time to enforce compliance by using network-based discovery to enroll employees. Leverage a discovery tool as part of your endpoint management kit to identify devices on the network that are unmanaged.
- Invest in a fully featured self-service capability, such as a portal experience. Here, you want to go beyond simple automations like password resets and software provisioning. Start thinking more holistically about all the services that employees might want, such as application access, self-healing of endpoints, access to HR information, desk peripherals, and more. Be creative here — anything related to improving the DEX is relevant.
- Start collecting data on technology channels you don't have access to today. You have great insights in some technology categories, like devices, but you’re missing visibility if you don’t understand the entirety of the DEX. What areas do you lack insight in? What areas are employees complaining about? Answer those questions and begin monitoring those services.
- Build more automation into anomaly detection. Up until now, you’ve used basic compliance policies to enable access to corporate resources, but these types of if-then policies do not protect against compliant devices that have already gained access to the resource. You need to go further and use insights derived from your analytics to expose anomalies, enable real-time troubleshooting, and ultimately build automation based off of the fix. This will also improve your conditional access by ensuring that compromised devices don’t ask for access in the first place.
Congratulations, your score translates to your digital employee experience (DEX) being advanced! However, this is no time to rest on your laurels. There are still steps you can take to grow your DEX practice. Based on the results of your advanced peers, Forrester recommends that advanced organizations take the following steps to prepare for the future of work:
- Get at least 99% of your endpoint environment manageable and ready for patching. You’re close to full success, but you need a final push to get that 99% into patch compliance. Consider another round of employee messaging: Encourage enrollment, have employees turn old devices on, or send a push notification to alert employees.
- Build a DEX score using quantitative and qualitative metrics and build a dashboard that connects improvements of DEX to business outcomes. You have the score already, but what is the business impact of that score? Consider how a poor or good DEX contributes to business outcomes and build that reporting structure into your experience management tools. At the end of the day, you should be able to quantify the dollars lost for poor DEX improvement.
- Integrate automated remediation of the most common issues directly into your service desk platform. True automation of the service desk will only occur when those employees don’t need to leave their existing portals to fix an issue. Begin building API-level hooks into your service management platform and identify four to five basic endpoint management tasks that could be handled by the service desk.
- Build dashboards for industry, department, and role analysis. Moving telemetry data and experience management to the cloud will enable you to compare data in ways you never could have before, across industries, departments, and roles. Decide what types of information are most important for your business, and pressure your vendors to enable that type of data sharing.
Next Steps
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Methodology and Disclaimer
Methodology and Disclaimers
In this study, Forrester conducted an online survey of 336 IT decision-makers responsible for endpoint engineering, IT service management, end-user computing or endpoint management at enterprise organizations in the US and the UK to evaluate the current state of their employee technology experience management practices. The study was completed in June 2021.
Although great care has been taken to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this assessment, 1E and Forrester are unable to accept any legal responsibility for any actions taken on the basis of the information contained herein.